[Ride-Along Request] Rico Kelly [ACCEPTED]

Amelia Vasquez
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Office of the State Fire Marshal
Ride-Along Request

1. Personal Information
  • 1.1 First Name: Rico
    1.2 Last Name: Kelly
    1.3 Date of Birth: 23/APR/1989
    1.4 Phone number:

    1.5 Address: 104 Occupation Avenue
    1.6 City: Los Santos
    1.7 State: San Andreas
  • 1.8 Current Occupation: Parole Supervisor, Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation.
    1.9 Reason for Ride-Along: Wanting to know the ins and outs of a Fire Marshall
    1.10 Have you been convicted for a felony or a misdemeanor charge before? Please mark the applicable answer with an X.
    [-] Yes [X] No
2. Waiver
I, RICO KELLY, agree by signing this document, acknowledge that the opportunity to participate in the San Andreas State Fire Marshals Ride-Along Program is a privilege and that the assigned Deputy Fire Marshal, may discontinue my participation in the Ride-Along Program at any point of time. I agree to allow a background check to be completed by the Office of the State Fire Marshal. I understand that the Ride-Along Program involves riding in an emergency vehicle being operated by a San Andreas State Fire Marshal who is performing both routine and emergency functions involving Firewatch Operations, as well as responses to potential active fire sites. You will be riding in a vehicle that is emergency response capable, and may be on site should a Fire Marshal respond in the capacity of a Law Enforcement Officer enforcing the State Penal Code and/or San Andreas State Fire Code. This may possibly be a risk to myself, which could result in injury, grievous bodily harm or the possibility of death. I agree that the Office of the San Andreas State Fire Marshal will hold no liability for any incident that may occur, at which I may be injured during the duration of the Ride-Along patrol. I have read the regulations of the Ride-Along Program of the San Andreas State Fire Marshals, and the waiver of liability. I understand the contents of the regulations and waiver of liability, and I sign this document freely.

Signature: Rico Kelly
Printed Name: RICO KELLY
Date: 31/07/2024
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Jasmine Sherman
Posts: 1464
Joined: Sun Aug 29, 2021 9:39 am
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Primary Assignment: Internal Affairs Branch


Dear Mr. Rico Kelly,

We appreciate your interest in the Office of the State Fire Marshal's Ride Along Program. After a preliminary background check made by the Recruitment Bureau, we are pleased to announce that your Ride-Along request has been ACCEPTED.

In order to arrange a Ride-Along, you'll be required to call San Fire's landline (4-4-4) and request a Ride-Along with a Deputy. Once arranged, you'll be required to make your way down to San Fire's Rockford Hills HQ (( /gps Fire Marshal HQ - Basement Level )). Please ensure you present yourself with a proper attire alongside valid identification.

The Department extends its best wishes for a safe and enjoyable experience during your ride-along. Should any inquiries or uncertainties arise, we encourage you to reach out to Director of Recruitment.

Kind regards,

Jasmine Sherman
Assistant State Fire Marshal
Director of Internal Affairs
Office of the State Fire Marshal
Law Enforcement

Assistant State Fire Marshal J. Sherman
Director of Internal Affairs Bureau

Deputy Fire Marshal III Y. Hariri
Team Leader of Arson Prevention Team