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Get To Know San Fire - Bureau of Public Relations

Posted: Thu Apr 06, 2023 1:51 pm
by Thea Price
Get To Know San Fire - Bureau of Public Relations
April 06, 2023
Public Information Officer Thea Price

Public Relations is a crucial component of any organization's success. It's the process of building relationships between an organization and its public, with the goal of creating mutual understanding, trust, and support. At San Fire, the Bureau of Public Relations is dedicated to educating the community about fire protection and prevention, engaging with the public in various events, and establishing and maintaining professional relationships with businesses and government entities.

As part of their efforts to educate and engage the public, the Bureau of Public Relations at San Fire has launched a mini-series called "Get To Know San Fire". This series features interviews with every division of San Fire, as well as Division Chiefs and Fire Marshals who work within these bureaus. The series aims to provide an in-depth look at the people who make up San Fire and their roles in protecting the community.
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What motivated you to join the State Fire Marshals?

"To continue to provide support and care to the community. To challenge me to take the next steps in my career and to work with familiar faces who've helped me develop through life."
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How long have you been with the department?

Deputy Turner has been with the department for approximately three months, but Deputy Turner transferred from the San Andreas Park Rangers.
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Why did you decide to take on Public Relations?

"It's something I've always handled really, I was a part of the Public Relations team within the Park Rangers and I've always been a people person, it's just a fitting role really."
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What do your duties cover?

"I oversee the division, I make sure the day-to-day running is smooth. I ensure the members of my division know what they're doing. I ensure the policies and procedures regarding social media are being followed by our fellow deputies. Along with that, I handle the recruitment for our division."
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What challenges have you encountered, if any, as Interim Director of Public Relations?

"I've encountered a few challenges. One can be trying to adapt a session when timings and limitations have been put in place after a scheduled event has started. Being able to think on your feet, you know."
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How does it feel like to be a Public Information Officer?

"Being a Public Information Officer, for me. It feels special - You get a different kind of relationship with the community that you serve through the work involved, involving yourself in the community is a huge thing as Public Information Officer, I like the idea of being able to educate people on the work we do as Deputy Fire Marshals. But, I also like the community interaction."
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What do your duties cover?

"So, as a Public Information Officer - I regulate the Social Media aspect of Public Relations, so there's a big educational aspect to the work I do, posting on our Facebrowser page. But, also making sure the agency's image is upheld to the highest standard. As well as this, I serve as the main Media Representative. So, I work with the media via our LSFD/SANFIRE Partnership to communicate with the Press about ongoing incidents, making sure people are informed and also making sure any questions media partners that we are in contact with through such a program are answered."
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What is the most interesting story you've covered as a PIO?

"The most interesting story..I personally don't do a lot of writing anymore as a Public Information Officer. But, I think when I did do some writing, I believe the most interesting was the Kortz Fire. It was the first major incident I had the pleasure of helping San Fire with, in terms of helping with evacuation efforts and also being assigned a task to write about it - Many citizens know that the Kortz Fire has become the biggest wildfire in San Andreas' history and have it be my first incident, it was an absolute honor to be involved and also write about."
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What advice do you have for those who are considering becoming Public Information Officers?

"My advice for budding Public Information Officers? Do it. You don't have to be the best writer in the whole of San Andreas to be a Public Information Officer - Our work isn't just limited to writing, our PR team does events and educational content such as posters, articles, community engagement, and more. San Fire will help people grow their skillset and help them flourish in their roles. You honestly don't need an extensive history to be considered."
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How long have you been with the department, and what challenges did you face so far?

So, I personally had a short stint with San Fire...Must have been nearly four years ago now. Back then we didn't have Public Relations. So, I was simply a Marshal. But, I rejoined San Fire in November of last year as only one of two Public Information Officers and my involvement in the department grew from there, I eventually went through the academy and earned my badge to be a Deputy Fire Marshal, so I'm now a Public Information Officer alongside my day-to-day duties as a Deputy. So, many have called me a 'PR Deputy'.

Overall, San Fire's team of Public Information Officers covers a lot of topics on a day-to-day basis and keeps the public informed and educated about every incident. Currently, San Fire is not hiring civilian Public Information Officers, but when they do, the department advertises the position on social media. If you think you got what it takes to be a PIO, make sure to check out San Fire's website at (( ))